12mm dpns (set of 4 or 5)
1 Hank Malabrigo Rasta
five small stitch holders, or large safety pins
three 1-1.5 " buttons
darning needle
k2tog= knit 2 together
m1= make 1 by lifting the bar between two stitches onto the left hand needle, then knit this bar through the back.
i-cord= using 2 dpns: with 4 sts on needle, knit side facing and yarn attached at left side of work, insert right needle into 1st stitch on left hand needle (note: this is the opposite side to where the yarn is attached). **Knit 4 stitches, pulling yarn very tight for first stitch. DO NOT TURN WORK AROUND. Slide stitches so that the knit side is facing and the yarn is attached to stitch on the far left side of the left hand needle. Repeat this process from** , tugging on the cord as it grows every few inches. Youtube is also a great visual aid if you need help making the i-cords(click here for video by Judy).
With 12 mm cast on 15 sts.
Knit 4 rows
Begin i-cords:
***k3, m1. place remaining stitches on holder.
using these four stitches , work in i-cord for 22"
place i-cord stitches on holder (safety pins work well), break yarn.
Place next 3 stitches from original holder onto needle.Re-attach yarn to these 3 stitches and repeat the process from ***, making each cord 3.5" longer than the previous one.
Once you have five cords, place all the stitches from these 5 cords onto one needle, insuring cords aren't twisted.
K3, k2together, k2, k2together, k2, k2together, k2, k2together, k3.
All cords should now be joined by the k2togethers of last row.
Knit in garter stitch until yarn is almost used up. (2-10 rows)
Cast off.
Sew 3 buttons to the smaller of the garter stitch band. Push buttons through fabric of other band to close.
Weave in all ends. (Stuffing them down the icord centres is a good way to hide them :).)